Tag Archives: cleaning

Resolutions- Best Tech Resolutions for the New Year?

While listening to the Podfather, Leo Laporte, over break, I was reminded that the new year is a time of renewal, of hope and of putting our best foot forward and starting this New Calendar Year off right. For teachers, it also gives us a chance to change and correct our course the middle of a school year. I give you my tech resolutions for 2017, and hope that I can inspire you to do at least one, maybe two and hopefully all of these common-sense style Tech Resolutions and get 2017 started right!

Back-Up- both school and personal

If your laptop or phone was (tech-gods forgive) stolen today, how much irreplaceable data and memories, lesson plans and records, would you lose? Do you have any backup solutions? According to the Podfather, it is best to have 3 sources for your most important things: the original, an on-site backup (portable hard drive or flash drive depending on need) and on offsite backup. For my offsite backup I use an internet service to keep my files in the cloud. My work also offers OneDrive for employees to keep files safe and secure. Look into buying some piece of mind if you do not already have one. And don’t forget about your phone! Would you want to lose those photos? For your phone there are nice online backup solutions through Apple, Google and Android, and it doesn’t matter what type you do, the important thing is to do it! They can be free (like Google photos) or a subscription (like Apple’s iCloud) now would be a good time to start your backup plans.


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